Thursday, May 26, 2011

HTML/CSS vs Flash

Now having done some basic flash and have an understanding for the program, i defiantly see how beneficial it will be for me. Its allot like DreamWeaver as you just click and drag to create and then tweak to get the way you want it, but with flash you can bring things to life and can use it for so many different applications.
Creating an entire web page in flash isn't the best idea. As flash can break down on you from time to time. If your entire site was flash then you wouldn't really have a site for that downtime which people really cant afford. Not to mention it takes quite a bit longer to load the page, which is why i would still go with html and css. There are already so many options using them and your site will be way quicker to access and you wont need to worry about it not working from time to time. I think i will just add a little flash here and there to my websites to keep good functionality and to add flair or some fun to it.

Monday, May 9, 2011


I really enjoyed using dream weaver. Compared to using notepad++ its much easier and more enjoyable. there are drawbacks to such a nice program and that is losing touch with the code thats is used to create it. Its nice to now get a refresher on the code we learned a while back. Seeing it now as were writing it makes more sense to me again knowing what more things do. Since im comparing the two ways of doing it, right now i would much rather work with Dreamweaver than come up with code from scratch. Im sure the more i do things there more my opinions of the ways of coding would change.